Friday, November 14, 2014

Course Recap for Friday, November 14, 2014


  • Your annotated bibliography on 6 sources for your persuasive argument paper is due Sunday.
  • Before we meet on Friday, you have to write the first draft of your paper and exchange it with a partner.  (YOUR ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY IS NOT YOUR PAPER.  IT IS JUST A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR SOURCES.)  You are going to fill out the paper labeled Argument Paper Response underneath Class Documents.  The two of you need to talk about how and when you plan to exchange papers, so that you can edit and respond to their drafts.  You need to bring in (or email) the completed response guide and the draft of their paper with your edits and comments when you come into class Friday.  This should be completed when you walk in the classroom.  Do not expect to have class time to complete this assignment.  You will not.
  • A 5-page play loosely related to your argument piece.  It should include a prop that is an object that is being used for some other purpose than what it was made of. (examples a pillow as a cloud, a sheet as a cape, yarn as hair, an umbrella as a peg leg) Please make sure that your characters have clear desires and that there is something that is keeping them from getting what they want. 
Playwriting Format

Here is how you format a play.

I have to write a play and I don't know how to do it.

That's okay.  I will teach you. First you write your character name.  Then you hit enter and you write their dialogue.  After you finished writing their dialogue, you hit enter twice and then you write the next characters line and so on and so forth until you're finished.  It should not be double-spaced.  It should look exactly how it is on this blog.

Wow! That sounds easy.

It is. (Holds up hand.)  Don't forget to put stage directions in parentheses and then italicize them. Stage directions are any actions you want your characters to do on stage.

Will do.  Thanks Jane for all your help.

You're welcome, Tom.

End of Play

A playwriting tip.  Please don't write a play that sounds like the one written above.  

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