Friday, November 21, 2014

Course Recap for Friday November 21, 2014

**Extra Credit**
Find an article with a persuasive argument that you believe is ineffective and in a 1 to 2 page paper explain why you think so.
Consider the following questions.
1. How well does the author utilize ethos, logos, and pathos? Does the article appeal to people's emotions (pathos)but fails to provide evidence (logos) for their claim? Or does the writer lack the credibility to discuss the topic and fails to provide support from people who do(ethos)? Maybe the article is well reasoned (logos) but offensive to its readers (pathos).
2. Look at the evidence they provide to support their argument. Is their logic sound? Does it contain any logical fallacies?
3. How fair is the argument? Does the author address opposing viewpoints?
You can receive up to 10 extra credit points. You can do this for 3 different articles.

**For your argument paper.**
Make sure your paper is Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced.
Make sure you have a Works Cited Page attached. (This is your annotated bib without the descriptions.)
Make sure you address and refute the opposing viewpoints for your argument.
Make sure you have in-text citations. Anything that you take from an outside source even if you paraphrase it has to be cited.
Your Final Draft is due Wednesday November 26 by midnight.

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